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7 Steps to Coping with Imposter Syndrome in Instructional Design

High achievers who believe their success is due to luck or other outside factors rather than their own skills are said to have imposter syndrome, a psychological phenomenon that frequently results in persistent self-doubt and a fear of being exposed as a fraud.

In this week’s episode, understand what imposter syndrome is, including its characteristics and how it manifests in individuals. Learn practical steps and strategies to cope with imposter syndrome.

Essential Learning Points:

  • Signs and symptoms of imposter syndrome in oneself and others
  • The affect of Imposter Syndrome on one's career and well-being
  • Strategies you can employ to cope with imposter syndrome
  • How to view failure as an opportunity for growth and improvement

Key Quotes: 

  • "People who are highly skilled or accomplished tend to think that others are just as skilled, which can grow into a feeling that they don't deserve their success over others. Hence the presence of imposter syndrome."
  • "You may feel incompetent, but you are not unintelligent. You may feel inexperienced, but you do have the experience that every other beginner had starting out."
  • "Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently."


Important Links and Mentions:


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