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5 Tips for Asking SME Instructional Design Interview Questions

Getting the information you need to produce the course you want can be a challenge…

Not only are there a lot of factors that you have to consider to forecast the SMEs vision successfully…

But there are also many potential questions you could ask them that can quickly become an overwhelming decision. 

And while we all want to gather the perfect amount of information from our SME (if there is such a thing), it can be easy to get derailed and go off track during your meeting.

Well, I'm here to make sure you don't do that!

In this episode, you'll learn five tips to remember that will help you determine the best questions to ask a subject matter expert during your next meeting.

So be sure to use these go-to questions when you need help determining interview questions for your SME!


Essential Learning Points:

  • The value learners receive when you focus on acquiring the best possible information from SMEs
  • How to stick to a plan during an SME interview


Key Quotes:

  • "The quality of the material you get from an interview depends on the quality of the questions you ask."
  • "There’s no surefire way to find 'the perfect question to ask a subject matter expert.''

Important Links and Mentions:


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