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Video-Based Learning in eLearning Instructional Design Best Practices with Instructional Videos


“If you’re not backing video somewhere in your strategy, you’re bound to miss a trick next year”, Greany, 2018.


Due to the exponential growth of eLearning in recent years, it is imperative in eLearning to understand the trends that are associated with the effectiveness of digital learning as we approach 2020.

Video use is one of the most effective and differentiated forms of media in the virtual learning environment.

The current trends and future of video usage as well as how to implement them into eLearning are further discussed in this post. There is a vast amount of research showing that learners understand more and retain information more effectively using video.


Why Create an Instructional Video?

eLearning offers a number of benefits and challenges for both the learner and the instructor. One of the most popular benefits is the flexibility in both time and place.

Asynchronous courses make it possible for learners of all walks of life in all different regions to further their education and training.

 While most learners appreciate the benefits of this freedom, some find that creating a personal connection with other learners and the instructor in an online environment is challenging. Connections and interactions with others is an important aspect of learning, and as such, it is important for instructors to provide opportunities for such connections when designing online courses.

Research has shown that a sense of instructor presence and immediacy has a positive correlation to learning and motivation. These are some of the principles that truly distinguish quality distance learning from a program that simply delivers content.

Instructor immediacy is the personal and social connection made between the learner and the instructor. Taking the time to forge this connection between learners and instructors often will create an environment where the learner is more likely to participate and reach out for assistance if needed.

Social presence is created when learner-instructor and learner-learner communication is at a level where emotions and thoughts are shared and each is seen as a "real person". Creating a sense of instructor immediacy and social presence can be challenging for an instructional designer. Strong and consistent communication is a good way to create a sense of immediacy and social presence.

One of the many communication strategies that an instructional designer or course creator can utilize in meeting this challenge is the use of video. Video not only allows the learners to hear the instructor's voice, but also to see their body language and facial expressions.Each of these elements works cohesively to provide learners with an initial connection to the instructor, which can help them remain motivated. This is a way for you to not only disseminate information, but also to humanize the instructor in the eyes of the learners.


What is Hypervideo?

Advances in video-based technologies are now able to provide learners with greater interactivity or hypervideo, allowing for more user participation.

Learners can now interact with sensitive information, use reflective pauses, answer embedded questions, decide on how they would like their videos to develop, and access external links or supplementary information.

In addition, implementing videos into digital learning allows for more skills mastery by presenting complex information and processes that are often difficult to present in other forms of media.



No longer are videos used in such a linear fashion as in the past. The use of hypervideo allows learners to be actively engaged, which increases their interests in their learning, and promotes more self-based learning.

Video-Based Learning and the Gratification Theory

A study was conducted specifically designed to relate the use of video-based learning and the Gratification Theory. From this research, it has been suggested that learners most often prefer high-quality, shorter or chunked videos, but can withstand longer videos when needed.

It has been shown that learners prefer multimedia that enables active learning. In addition, videos that conform to cognitive thinking with learning multimedia are usually more engaging and memorable, especially when it comes to learning more complex information and processes.

Social Presence and Instructor Immediacy Online

Video-based learning provides more social presence and instructor immediacy in eLearning. Using videos for learner communication through video-enabled discussion boards and providing assessment feedback leads to improved learner self-assessment, reflection, engagement, and higher performance.

It’s also helpful for instructional designers to understand the technological challenges when it comes to creating and sharing videos. Embrace imperfection. This helps you seem more human.

In addition, write out your ideas ahead of time, provide summary notes, and avoid re-recorded videos. Videos can be used as valuable and effective instructing tools when implemented appropriately in eLearning. 



It’s important for instructional designers and course creators to pay attention to current trends, such as using videos to engage learners, when designing their own online courses in order to stay abreast with the field of eLearning.

More on current trends in eLearning will be provided in the community. Join the eLearning and Instructional Design for Beginners Community, and you will be on your way to taking control of your life and becoming an online instructor.

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