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Build an eLearning Instructional Design Portfolio That Gets You Hired

Are you struggling with where to begin when it comes to building your instructional design portfolio?

This article will teach you:

  • Why it’s important for instructional designers and L&D professionals to have a well-organized online portfolio
  • Common components that should be included in your portfolio
  • Tips on some of the very important components of an online portfolio for eLearning and instructional design professionals

Why is an Online Portfolio Important?

In eLearning, we work in a field rooted in learning theories and instructional models. 

When a hiring committee is considering you as a potential candidate, they will want to know if your beliefs, theories, and practices will support and/or enhance their current corporation's environment.

By providing potential employers with your online portfolio, you offer them a glimpse of who you are, what you have accomplished, and what you believe as an instructional designer, eLearning developer, or L&D professional.

Your portfolio needs to be professionally designed and organized. Each section should be clearly and properly designed.

The main purpose of a portfolio is to reflect and include the materials you have created that demonstrate your expertise in instructional design.

Common Components of an Online Portfolio

  • Materials you've created, including the skills you have obtained and competencies you've developed
  • Personal philosophy of training or education
  • Professional resume or curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Website

Philosophy Statement

Your philosophy not only helps others understand you, but it also helps you to better understand what you believe and why you believe it. In turn, this helps you reflect on your practice.

Developing your philosophy statement will help you gain personal insights as well as establish a plan that can guide your work.

Your philosophy should always be a part of an instructional designer's portfolio. This document is essential, as it shares who you are and your professional beliefs. Keep the following tips in mind while writing a philosophy statement.

Resume or CV

A curriculum vitae (CV) is a professional resume which serves as a chronological record of your experiences and accomplishments.



Materials You've Created

Design real-world scenario-based projects or materials for your instructional design portfolio in the eLearning & Instructional Design for Beginners Community.

In the community you will be provided with everything you need to build all of the projects you need for a portfolio that gets you noticed and hired!


Suggested Hosting Sites

  • Weebly
    • Provides fully customizable website themes and elements.

  • Google Sites
    • Easy to use and setup efficiently.

  • Wix
    • Also allows for more customization and provides templates specifically for portfolios.


In the eLearning & Instructional Design for Beginners Community, you will build all of the components necessary to get you hired in the field of instructional design.



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