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eLearning & Instructional Design for Beginners

eLearning & Instructional Design for Beginners

Hosted by: Crystal Harper

Proven, practical tips and advice on growing a successful freelance instructional design business.

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Tips on Designing Assessments

Have you ever wondered about the strategic intricacies behind designing an effective eLearning course? In this episode, letā€™s unravel the key steps to a successful eLearning course, focusing on the often overlooked...
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How to Write Effective Learning Objectives

Writing learning objectives for e-learning is an intricate task thatā€™s why it is essential to empower educators and instructional designers to enhance the online learning experience. In this episode, we explore the...
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How Can Learner and Context Analysis' Improve Training?

Have you ever wondered how crucial it is for instructional designers to understand the knowledge that learners bring to a topic, including learning characteristics, previous experiences, and attitudes? In this...
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How Do Sub-Skill and Entry Behavior Shape Your eLearning Path?

Effective instructional design hinges on identifying the key skills and entry behaviors associated with the core competency or task at hand, serving as the foundation for your learning objectives. In this episode,...
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What is the Growth Mindset Theory?

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, a transformative approach to learning that challenges traditional notions of intelligence and achievement has gained prominence. Join us in this episode, where we emphasize...
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Unleashing the Power of Instructional Goals in eLearning

Are you curious about what makes a great eLearning course or how to transform your instructional design process into a masterpiece? In this episode, we will delve into the essential initial stages that lay the...
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6 Tips for Communicating with Learners Online

Effective communication is crucial in eLearning to overcome challenges and improve learner outcomes. Building a personal connection with online learners and staying responsive to their questions and concerns are key...
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7 Steps to Coping with Imposter Syndrome in Instructional Design

High achievers who believe their success is due to luck or other outside factors rather than their own skills are said to have imposter syndrome, a psychological phenomenon that frequently results in persistent...
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What is a Learner Analysis for Instructional Design and eLearning Development?

A learner analysis helps shape and guide instruction and determines how instruction should be designed. The information can reveal important variables that may affect the learner and must be addressed during the...
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3 Steps to Evaluating Your eLearning Course

In eLearning, continuous course evaluations are vital for ensuring effectiveness, learner engagement, and ongoing improvement, incorporating feedback at all stages of development. In this weekā€™s episode, unlock the...
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How to Plan Your Instructional Design Portfolio

Your instructional design portfolio isn't just a collection of documents; it's your ticket to success in this field. In this weekā€™s episode, discover the essential components of a standout instructional design...
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What Are Instructional Videos?

In a world inundated with text-based learning, it's time to break the mold and dive into the captivating realm of instructional videos. In this week's episode, leverage the power of instructional videos to establish...
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